Breadsall Parish Council: Memorial Hall Play Area Project
- Introduction
The Parish Council is responsible for the children’s play area adjacent to the Memorial Hall in Breadsall and has resolved to investigate grant funding to refresh and renew the area. The equipment in the area is of varying age, some pieces are now many years old and showing their age. The site is on a slope and the existing surface is beginning to deteriorate with holes and gaps around the edges. The area has suffered from vandalism, and the Parish Council has invested in upgraded CCTV equipment to deter this.
- The process so far
The Council has set up a working party consisting of Councillors, the Clerk and interested residents, which has designed and carried out community consultation to find out what the users of the area, including children, would like the area to look like and what equipment they would like to see installed.
- Progress to date
- The local MP, Mrs Pauline Latham, has kindly supported the project,
- The working party has analysed the results of the consultation exercise and will use these to produce a working brief for potential suppliers
- A list of suitable suppliers has been identified
- A member of the working party is arranging a fund-raising Christmas event to support the project
- A crowd funding web page is to be set up to accept any donations made online
- The Parish Council Clerk is investigating sources of grant funding