Decided Applications

Number Description Date Valid Date of Decision Decision Type Site Address

The proposed construction of a new Primary School associated landscaping works incorporating the provision of a new external car parking area hard and soft landscape play areas and installation of security fencing.

18/11/2019 06/12/2019 CW8 APP NO OBJECTION Behavioural Support Centre, Brookside Road, Breadsall, Derbyshire DE21 5LF

Advertisement consent for new signage to front elevation.

03/12/2020 28/05/2021 Approve with Cond (Delegated) The Cedars, Mansfield Road, Breadsall, Derbyshire DE21 4TJ

Change of use of dwelling to nursery and incorporation into existing nursery use. Proposed extensions, alterations to existing children's nursery, alterations to site access and parking provision.

03/12/2020 28/05/2021 Approve with Cond (Delegated) The Cedars, Mansfield Road, Breadsall, Derbyshire DE21 4TJ


02/12/2016 06/02/2017 Approve with Cond (Delegated) Brookfield, 37 Rectory Lane, Breadsall, Derbyshire DE21 5LL

Single storey front extension and alteration to fenestration, cladding and render, conversion of detached garage to annexe for ancillary use involving a single storey side extension and erection of replacement detached garage.

04/01/2022 Approved with Cond (Delegated) 37 Rectory Lane, Breadsall, Derbyshire DE21 5LL

Retention of agricultural building.

04/12/2020 06/01/2022 Refused (committee) Glenmoor Mansfield Road, Breadsall, Derbyshire DE21 4FW

Proposed landscaping works to create a level paved area with retaining walls.

04/10/2021 26/11/2021 Approve with Cond (Delegated) 5 Darwin Fields Close, Breadsall, Derbyshire DE21 5LS

The conversion and extension of an agricultural building to form a dwelling

31/10/2021 03/02/2022 Refused (committee) Frog Barn, Brookside Farm, Rectory Lane, Breadsall DE21 5LL

Agricultural building

16/09/2022 Approved with Conds Glenmoor, Mansfield Rd, Breadsall DE21 4FW

Construction of a two storey and first floor extension to the side

04/05/22 18/08/22 Approve with Conds (Committee) Brookfield 36 Rectory Lane Breadsall DE21 5LL

Works to a tree within a conservation area which includes crown reduction by 2.5 m to a plum tree

24/06/22 05/08/22 Approve (Delegated) Willow Springs, Rectory Lane, Breadsall DE21 5LL

Single storey side/rear extension, erection of new boundary wall, and railings to front of dwelling

15/07/22 07/09/22 Approve with Cond (Delegated) Moorway, 23 Moor Rd Breadsall DE21 5LA

Retrospective application for single storey side extension

21/07/22 13/09/22 Approve with Cond (Delegated) Lily Cottage 34b Rectory Lane Breadsall

Works to trees in the conservation area - T1 Goat Willow - 50% pollarding reduction of the NE facing arched canopy, to leave a radial/distal branch length of 2.4m.

29/07/22 08/09/22 Approve (Delegated) Frog Barn 34c Rectory Lane, Breadsall DE21 5LL

Prior notification for larger home extension - Single storey rear extension 2.75m wide x 7.85 project from rear of original dwelling x 2.9m height (2.1m to eaves), materials to match

17/08/22 28/09/22 Prior approval not required 20 Beech Croft Breadsall DE21 5LQ

Proposed front and side extension and associated alterations

3/11/2022 28/12/2022 Approve with Cond

Works to trees in a conservation area: T1 Sycamore, crown reduction by 2.5m, TG1 - Corsican Pine - Cronw lift to 5m and remove any major deadwood, fell smaller stem at 4m to erect an owl box, H1 - Hawthorn - reduce height of hedge to 1 m and trim the side up, TG2 - Sycamore - Fell the group of sycamores within the hedgerow.

16/11/2022 13/12/2022 Approved Delegated Brookside Farm, Rectory Lane, Breadsall DE21 5LL

Single storey rear extension

02/01/24 23/01/24 Approved with Conditions Darwin Bank 21 Moor Rd, Breadsall DE21 5LA

Variation of condition 6 opening hours for ere/0922/0020

22/01/24 13/03/24 Approved Damsons Coffee House, 2 Rectory Lane, Breadsall DE21 5LL

Reconstruction of agricultural building to form a dwelling house, following Class Q approval ERE/1222/0029

04/10/23 11/01/24 Refused (Committee) Knoll Side Farm, Rectory Lane, Breadsall

Prior notification application for agricultural machinery and storage building

01/02/24 13/03/24 Approved (Delegated) Land NW of 25 Church Farm/27a Rectory Lane Breadsall DE21 5LL

Planning application consultation, prior notification change of use of agricultural building to dwelling house

15/3/24 02/05/24 Approve with conditions (delegated) Knoll Side Farm, Rectory Lane, Breadsall DE21 5LL

Removal of single storey side extension, erect two storey side extension

29/05/24 25/07/24 Approved with Conditions 1 Windmill Cottages, Mansfield Road, Breadsall DE21 4GU

Erection of detached garage with attached garden room

19/06/24 Approved with Conds (Delegated) 3 Station Road, Breadsall, DE21 5LG